Location: Parramatta, ACT info@capitalcareers.com.au

CHC40312 Certificate IV in Disability – Superseded

CHC40312 Certificate IV in Disability – Superseded

Course Description
This qualification addresses work in the residential group homes, training resource centres, day respite centres and open employment services, other community settings and clients’ homes. These workers:

  •  Apply knowledge and skills gained through qualifications and/or previous experience to provide training and support to people with disabilities to enhance their ability to achieve greater levels of independence, self reliance and community participation
  •  Report to service managers and may liaise with health professionals and other service agencies
  •  May work without direct supervision and may be required to supervise and/or coordinate a limited number of lower classified workers

Occupational titles may include:

  •  Behavioural support worker
  •  Development officer
  •  Disability officer – day work
  •  Disability support officer/worker
  •  Employment coordinator (disability)
  • Job coordinator
  •  Lifestyle support officer
  •  Local area coordinator
  •  Marketing coordinator
  •  Project officer (life enhancement team)
  •  Residential care officer
  •  Senior personal care assistant
  •  Social educator
  •  Social trainer
  •  Supervisor

Packaging Rules
Total Number of units = 15

Core Units = 10
Elective Units = 5

CHCCS400C Work within a relevant legal and ethical framework
CHCCS411C Work effectively in the community sector
CHCDIS301C Work effectively with people with a disability
CHCDIS302A Maintain an environment to empower people with disabilities
CHCDIS405A Facilitate skills development and maintenance
CHCDIS410A Facilitate community participation and inclusion
CHCDIS411A Communicate using augmentative and alternative communication strategies
CHCICS402B Facilitate individualised plans

AND one of each of the following pairs of units:

CHCICS305B Provide behaviour support in the context of individualised plans
CHCICS404B Plan and provide advanced behaviour support


HLTWHS300A Contribute to WHS processes
CHCWHS312A Follow WHS safety procedures for direct care work

Group A
Recommended for culturally aware and respectful practice

Where work involves a specific focus on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander and/or culturally diverse clients or communities, one or both of the following electives is recommended:

HLTHIR403C Work effectively with culturally diverse clients and co-workers
HLTHIR404D Work effectively with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people

Client support 
CHCAD401D Advocate for clients
CHCCM404A Undertake case management for clients with complex needs
CHCCOM403A Use targeted communication skills to build relationships
CHCCS310A Support inclusive practice in the workplace
CHCCS312A Use electronic learning materials
CHCCS413B Support individuals with autism spectrum disorder
CHCCS417B Provide support and care relating to suicide bereavement
CHCCS422B Respond holistically to client issues and refer appropriately
CHCCS425B Support health professional
CHCCS426B Provide support and care relating to loss and grief
CHCCS502C Maintain legal and ethical work practices
CHCCS506A Promote and respond to workplace diversity
CHCDIS313A Support people with disabilities who are ageing
CHCDIS404C Design procedures for support
CHCDIS408D Support people with disabilities as workers
CHCDIS409B Provide services to people with disabilities with complex needs
CHCDIS509E Maximise participation in work by people with disabilities
CHCICS401B Facilitate support for personal care needs
CHCICS403A Conduct individual assessment
CHCICS404B Plan and provide advanced behaviour support
CHCICS405B Facilitate groups for individual outcomes
CHCICS406B Support client self management
CHCICS407B Support positive lifestyle
CHCICS408B Provide support to people with chronic disease
CHCICS409A Recognise and respond to suspected abuse of vulnerable people
CHCICS410A Support relationships with carers and families
CHCLD315A Recognise stages of lifespan development
CHCLLN403A Identify clients with language, literacy and numeracy needs and respond effectively
CHCORG406C Supervise work
CHCORG529B Provide coaching and motivation
CHCPA301B Deliver care services using a palliative approach
CHCPA402B Plan for and provide care services using a palliative approach
HLTAP301B Recognise healthy body systems in a health care context
HLTAP401B Confirm physical health status
HLTFS207C Follow basic food safety practices

Medication and health professional support 
CHCCS305C Assist clients with medication (Note pre-requisite HLTAP301B)
CHCCS424B Administer and monitor medications (Note pre-requisites CHCCS305C, HLTAP301B)
CHCCS425B Support health professional
HLTFA311A Apply first aid
HLTFA412A Apply advanced first aid (Note pre-requisite HLTFA311A)

Working with older people 
CHCAC318B Work effectively with older people
CHCAC412B Provide services to older people with complex needs (Note pre-requisite CHCAC318B)
CHCAC416A Facilitate support responsive to the specific nature of dementia
CHCAC417A Implement interventions with older people at risk of falls

Working with people with mental health issues 
CHCMH402B Apply understanding of mental health issues and recovery processes
CHCMH411A Work with people with mental health issues

Working with people with alcohol and other drug issues 
CHCAOD402B Work effectively in the alcohol and other drugs sector

Leisure and health 
CHCRH401C Work effectively in the leisure and health industry
CHCRH402B Undertake leisure and health programming
CHCRH404B Plan, implement and monitor leisure and health programs

Team coordination and supervision 
CHCCOM403A Use targeted communication skills to build relationships
CHCNET404B Facilitate links with other services
CHCORG406C Supervise work
CHCORG423C Maintain quality service delivery
BSBWOR403A Manage stress in the workplace

Outreach work 
CHCCH427B Work effectively with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness
CHCCH522B Undertake outreach work

Oral health 
CHCOHC303B Use basic oral health screening tools
CHCOHC401A Inform and encourage clients and groups to understand and achieve good oral health
CHCOHC402A Support clients and groups to learn practical aspects of oral health care
CHCOHC404A Recognise and respond to signs and symptoms that may indicate oral health issues
CHCOHC406B Provide or assist with oral hygiene
CHCOHC407B Apply and manage use of basic oral health products

How long will it take?
Duration is dependent on training delivery mode and individual experience. For those with no experience the course will take anywhere between 6 months and 2 years to complete.

Delivery Options
Face to face
Online / Distance education
Combination of face to face and distance education


Start Date
Capital Careers does not currently have any face to face training sessions planned for this course. However you are able to start this course via online learning at any time.

Studying as a Traineeship
Funding may be available for those students who wish to undertake their training as part of a traineeship.

To be eligible for an ACT training contract the student must:
a) Work in the ACT and
b) Be at least 15 years-of-age and
c) Be an:

Australian citizen
Permanent resident
New Zealand passport holder who has been a resident in Australia for more than 6 months, or
Visa holder with work rights on a pathway to permanent residency and not excluded from participation in government funded training, and

d) Receive remuneration for their work, and
e) Complete a minimum of 15 hours combined work and training per week (employment and training hours may be averaged over 4 weeks for non-school based training contracts), and
f) Undertake an approved Australian Apprenticeships qualification with an approved RTO, as listed on the ACT Qualifications Register; and
g) Have the required supervision in the workplace for an Australian Apprentice.

Course Cost
Standard Qualification – $2000
Traineeship New Worker* – $350
Traineeship Existing Worker** – $350

The funding for the traineeship component of this program is contributed by the ACT Training & Education Directorate

* New Worker = Employed less than 3 months full time or less than 12 months part time/casual equivalent

** Existing Worker = Employed more than 3 months full time or 12 months part time/casual

What we provide you
Well written and easy to follow resources via an online e-learning platform
Trainers who care very much about your studies and about you!

Recognition of Prior Learning
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) allows a person to receive recognition and credit for the knowledge and skills they have, no matter how and where they were attained, including overseas. This can include skills from previous study, work experience and life experience.

Credit Transfer
Capital Careers has an obligation to recognise Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by other registered training organisations

The course will be presented in competency-based mode and the student’s competency will be assessed at all levels according to competencies and performance criteria. The training package for each competency specifies the conditions and method of assessment. Assessment methods range from completing set tasks and activities, class attendance and participation and completion of assignments / projects.

Employability skills
A summary of the employability skills developed through this qualification can be viewed at http://training.gov.au/Training/Details/CHC40812

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